In this project, the consortium of Sabiad B.V. and the University Medical Center Groningen will develop and validate a sensitive, specific and rapid point-of-care detection test for Staphylococcus aureus (SA) bacteria.
This detection test can demonstrate the presence of SA in a sample of synovial fluid (joint fluid) from a patient. Therefore, the intended results of the project are to advance this SA detection test from TRL 5 to 7 and thus validate a late-stage (near-market) prototype both retrospectively and prospectively with patient samples also provided by the regional hospitals MCL, Martini Hospital and Isala as third parties in this project.
This will also lead to the publication of scientific articles, the training of a researcher in the UMCG, a new learning case for medical education in the UMCG and the dissemination of knowledge at major congresses and symposia in the field.